' Last modified : Oct 23, 1985 DEFINT a-z ' Format of the file produced by this program ' ' long ColorSetOffset ' long DataSetOffset ' long depth number of bit planes ' long width width of object in pixels ' long height height of object in pixels ' short flags: ' fVsprite=1 TRUE if its a vsprite, FALSE if its a BOB collisionPlaneIncluded=2 'never set by this editor imageShadowIncluded=4 'never set by this editor SAVEBACK=8 'save background before drawing BOB OVERLAY=16 'color 0 for BOB is transparent, not black SAVEBOB=32 'let BOB act like a paint brush ' short planePick which playfield planes do object planes map to ' short planeOnOff set to 0 by object editor ' ' /* must begin on even byte boundary */ ' : ' ' not currently produced by object editor ' not currently produced by object editor ' DEF FNArraySize& = 3+INT((Bobright+16)/16)*(bobbottom+1)*Depth DIM DrawRect(3),ToolName$(6) scrn=-1 'puts window in workbench screen Depth=2 WinY=185: WinX=617 'If BOBs are to be created with other than 2 bit-planes ' alter next 3 lines (only if machine has more than 256k) INPUT "Screen depth (1-4)";Depth scrn=1 SCREEN scrn,640,200,Depth,2 WINDOW 2,"GT's Object Editor",(0,0)-(WinX,WinY),31,scrn PRINT "GT's Amiga-BASIC Object Editor" LIBRARY "graphics.library" GOSUB InitConstant GOSUB InitFile GOSUB InitMenu StartOver: ON MENU GOSUB CheckMenu : MENU ON ON MOUSE GOSUB CheckMouse : MOUSE ON ON BREAK GOSUB IgnoreBreak: BREAK ON DrawBoundary GOSUB PrintStatus Unfinished = -1 WHILE Unfinished SLEEP 'this program is completely event driven WEND MENU RESET CLS END InitConstant: IF FRE(-1)>50000 THEN MaxTool=6 :ELSE MaxTool=5 ToolMode=1 currentcolor=1 MaxY=120: MaxX=500 MaxY10=MaxY+10: MaxX10=MaxX+10 statusline=22 Top = 20: Left = 450 MaxBobRight=3*0.8*FRE(0)/4 : MaxBobBottom=0.8*FRE(0)/4 RETURN InitFile: CLS IF Depth = 2 THEN PRINT "Enter 1 if you want to edit sprites" INPUT "Enter 0 if you want to edit bobs > ",fVsprite ELSE fVsprite = 0 'user can't edit sprite END IF bobbottom=31 IF fVsprite =0 THEN INPUT "Enter bob size: X,Y ",Bobright,bobbottom CLS FileName$="" Flags=SAVEBACK+OVERLAY+fVsprite IF fVsprite = 0 THEN Bobright=Bobright-1:bobbottom=bobbottom-1 :ELSE Bobright=15 currentX=Bobright:currentY=bobbottom maxcolor=2^Depth - 1 DIM rgb%(maxcolor,3) PlanePick=maxcolor Change=0 RETURN InitMenu: MENU 1,0,1,"File" MENU 1,1,1,"New" MENU 1,2,1,"Open ..." MENU 1,3,1,"Save" MENU 1,5,1,"Quit" MENU 1,4,1,"Save as ..." MENU 2,0,1,"Tools" MENU 3,0,1,"Enlarge" MENU 3,1,1,"4x4" MENU 3,2,1,"1x1" MENU 4,0,1,"" ToolName$(1)="Pen" ToolName$(2)="Line" ToolName$(3)="Oval" ToolName$(4)="Rectangle" ToolName$(5)="Eraser" ToolName$(6)="Paint" FOR i=1 TO MaxTool MENU 2,i,1,ToolName$(i) NEXT i RETURN CheckMenu: MenuId=MENU(0) MenuItem=MENU(1) ON MenuId GOTO FileMenu,ToolsMenu,FatBits CheckMouse: GetCurrentXY IF currentY>MaxY+10 AND currentX>400 THEN EditColor IF currentY>MaxY+10 THEN CheckColor IF NOT fEnlarge THEN IF currentY>bobbottom+10 OR currentX>Bobright+10 THEN RETURN IF currentY>=bobbottom AND currentX>=Bobright THEN ChangeSizePicture IF (currentY>bobbottom OR currentX>Bobright) THEN RETURN ELSE IF currentX>Bobright*Offset OR currentY>bobbottom*Offset THEN RETURN END IF StartY=currentY StartX=currentX Change=-1 ON ToolMode GOSUB Pen,DrawLine,DrawCircle,DrawRectangle,ErasePicture,PaintPicture RETURN DrawLine: WHILE MOUSE(0)<>0 GetCurrentXY IF InsideBob THEN InvertVideo LINE (StartX,StartY)-(currentX,currentY) 'draw line LINE (StartX,StartY)-(currentX,currentY) 'erase line NormalVideo END IF WEND LINE (StartX,StartY)-(currentX,currentY),currentcolor RETURN FatBits: ON MenuItem GOTO Enlarge, Shrink Enlarge: IF fEnlarge THEN RETURN fBig = -1 IF bobbottom > 31 THEN LOCATE 17,1:PRINT "Y >= 31 too large to enlarge. "; ELSEIF Bobright >=100 THEN LOCATE 17,1:PRINT "X >=100 too large to enlarge. "; ELSE fBig = 0 END IF IF fBig THEN PRINT "Press any key to continue"; 10 a$=INKEY$:IF a$="" GOTO 10 LOCATE 17,1:PRINT " "; PRINT " "; RETURN END IF Offset = 4:OffsetB=Offset-1 ChangeToolsMode 0 'Disable Tools MenuItem = 1 GOSUB ToolsMenu fEnlarge = -1 'Enlarge flag DIM BobArray(FNArraySize&) GET (0,0)-(Bobright,bobbottom),BobArray LINE (Left-1,Top-1)-(Left+Bobright+1,Top+bobbottom+1),,b PUT (Left,Top),BobArray ERASE BobArray LINE (0,0)-(Bobright*2,bobbottom*2),0,bf LINE (-1,-1)-((Bobright+1)*Offset,(bobbottom+1)*Offset),,b m=0:n=0 FOR i=Left TO Left+Bobright n=0 FOR j=Top TO Top+bobbottom x=POINT(i,j) IF x>0 THEN LINE (m,n)-(m+OffsetB,n+OffsetB),x,bf n=n+Offset NEXT j m=m+Offset NEXT i RETURN Shrink: IF fEnlarge = 0 THEN RETURN ChangeToolsMode 1 fEnlarge = 0 DIM BobArray(FNArraySize&) GET (Left,Top)-(Left+Bobright,Top+bobbottom),BobArray LINE (Left-1,Top-1)-(Left+Bobright+1,Top+bobbottom+1),0,bf LINE (0,0)-(Bobright*Offset+Offset,Offset*bobbottom+Offset),0,bf DrawBoundary PUT (0,0),BobArray ERASE BobArray RETURN SUB ChangeToolsMode (Mode) STATIC SHARED MaxTool FOR i=2 TO MaxTool MENU 2,i,Mode NEXT END SUB Pen: IF fEnlarge THEN GOTO BigPen GetCurrentXY IF InsideBob THEN PSET (currentX,currentY),currentcolor WHILE MOUSE(0)<>0 GetCurrentXY IF NOT InsideBob THEN RETURN LINE -(currentX,currentY),currentcolor WEND RETURN BigPen: GOSUB GetX1Y1 IF InsideBob THEN PSET (currentX+Left,currentY+Top),currentcolor LINE (x1,y1)-(x1+OffsetB,y1+OffsetB),currentcolor,bf END IF WHILE MOUSE(0)<>0 GOSUB GetX1Y1 IF InsideBob THEN PSET (currentX+Left,currentY+Top),currentcolor LINE (x1,y1)-(x1+OffsetB,y1+OffsetB),currentcolor,bf END IF WEND RETURN GetX1Y1: GetCurrentXY IF (currentX>=0 AND currentX < (Bobright+1)*Offset) AND (currentY>=0 AND currentY <(bobbottom+1)*Offset) THEN InsideBob = -1 currentX = INT(currentX/Offset) x1=currentX*Offset currentY=INT(currentY/Offset) y1=currentY*Offset ELSE InsideBob = 0 END IF RETURN DrawCircle: GOSUB TrackRect CenterX=(DrawRect(1)+DrawRect(3))/2 CenterY=(DrawRect(2)+DrawRect(0))/2 RadiusX=(DrawRect(3)-DrawRect(1))/2 RadiusY=(DrawRect(2)-DrawRect(0))/2 IF RadiusX=0 OR RadiusY=0 THEN RETURN Aspect!=ABS(RadiusY/RadiusX) IF RadiusX < RadiusY THEN RadiusX=RadiusY CIRCLE (CenterX,CenterY),RadiusX,currentcolor,,,Aspect! RETURN DrawRectangle: GOSUB TrackRect LINE (DrawRect(1),DrawRect(0))-(DrawRect(3),DrawRect(2)),currentcolor,b RETURN ErasePicture: WHILE MOUSE(0)<>0 GetCurrentXY IF currentX-5<0 OR currentY-3<0 THEN InsideBob=0 IF InsideBob THEN LINE (currentX-5,currentY-3)-(currentX,currentY),1,bf LINE (currentX-5,currentY-3)-(currentX,currentY),0,bf END IF WEND DrawBoundary RETURN PaintPicture: IF InsideBob THEN LINE(0,bobbottom+1)-(Bobright+1,bobbottom+1),currentcolor LINE(Bobright+1,0)-(Bobright+1,bobbottom+1),currentcolor PAINT (currentX, currentY),currentcolor DrawBoundary END IF RETURN TrackRect: WHILE MOUSE(0)<>0 GetCurrentXY IF InsideBob THEN DrawRect(0)=StartY DrawRect(1)=StartX DrawRect(2)=currentY DrawRect(3)=currentX InvertVideo FrameRect DrawRect() 'Draw it FrameRect DrawRect() 'Erase it NormalVideo END IF WEND IF currentY0 GetCurrentXY IF (currentY < MaxY) AND (currentY > 0) THEN IF (currentX <= MaxX) AND (currentX >= 10) THEN IF MaxMem > (Depth * currentX * currentY /8) THEN IF fVsprite = 1 THEN Bobright = 15:currentX=15::ELSE Bobright=currentX bobbottom=currentY DrawBoundary DrawBoundary END IF END IF END IF WEND NormalVideo GOSUB GetPicture GOSUB RedrawPicture RETURN ToolsMenu: ToolMode=MenuItem GOSUB PrintToolStatus RETURN FileMenu: ON MenuItem GOSUB NewFile,OpenFile,SaveFile,SaveFileAs,Quit RETURN NewFile: GOSUB CheckSave IF CancelCommand THEN RETURN CLS GOSUB InitFile GOTO StartOver OpenFile: GOSUB CheckSave IF CancelCommand THEN RETURN CLS INPUT "Enter Filename > ",FileName$ IF FileName$="" THEN NewFile OPEN FileName$ FOR INPUT AS 1 ColorSet=CVL(INPUT$(4,1)) DataSet=CVL(INPUT$(4,1)) Depth=CVL(INPUT$(4,1)) Bobright=CVL(INPUT$(4,1)) - 1 bobbottom=CVL(INPUT$(4,1)) - 1 REM --- UNDONE if ColorSet<>0 or DataSet<>0, read image.editor format file Flags=CVI(INPUT$(2,1)) IF Flags AND 1 THEN fVsprite = 1 :ELSE fVsprite = 0 IF PlanePick <> CVI(INPUT$(2,1)) THEN PRINT "Error: file not compatible with this SCREEN" ELSE PlaneOnOff=CVI(INPUT$(2,1)) ArraySize&=FNArraySize& DIM BobArray(ArraySize&) BobArray(0)=Bobright + 1 BobArray(1)=bobbottom + 1 BobArray(2)=Depth FOR i=3 TO ArraySize&-1 BobArray(i)=CVI(INPUT$(2,1)) NEXT i CLS currentX=Bobright: currentY=bobbottom GOSUB RedrawPicture END IF CLOSE #1 Change=0 GOTO StartOver SaveFileAs: FileName$="" SaveFile: IF fEnlarge THEN GOSUB Shrink GOSUB GetPicture IF FileName$="" THEN CLS: INPUT "Enter Filename > ",FileName$ IF FileName$<>"" THEN OPEN FileName$ FOR OUTPUT AS 1 PRINT #1, MKL$(0); 'ColorSet PRINT #1, MKL$(0); 'DataSet PRINT #1, MKI$(0);MKI$(BobArray(2)); 'depth PRINT #1, MKI$(0);MKI$(BobArray(0)); 'width PRINT #1, MKI$(0);MKI$(BobArray(1)); 'height PRINT #1, MKI$(Flags); PRINT #1, MKI$(PlanePick); 'planePick PRINT #1, MKI$(0); 'planeOnOff FOR i=3 TO ArraySize&-1 PRINT #1, MKI$(BobArray(i)); NEXT i IF fVsprite THEN 'Output the colors for sprite> Change output values for different colors PRINT #1,MKI$(&Hff); 'White. Color 1 PRINT #1,MKI$(0); 'Black. Color 2 PRINT #1,MKI$(&Hf80); 'Orange. Color 3 END IF CLOSE#1 END IF GOSUB RedrawPicture Change=0 RETURN Quit: Cancel=0 GOSUB CheckSave IF CancelCommand THEN RETURN Unfinished=0 RETURN GetPicture: ArraySize&=FNArraySize& DIM BobArray(ArraySize&) GET (0,0)-(Bobright,bobbottom),BobArray RETURN RedrawPicture: CLS PUT (0,0),BobArray,PSET ERASE BobArray DrawBoundary GOSUB PrintStatus RETURN PrintStatus: PrintCurrentXY GOSUB PrintToolStatus GOSUB PrintColorBar GOSUB PrintEditBox RETURN PrintToolStatus: LOCATE statusline,24: PRINT SPACE$(10); LOCATE statusline,24: PRINT ToolName$(ToolMode); RETURN PrintColorBar: COLOR 0 LOCATE 19,1: PRINT " "; colorbar = WINDOW(5)-10 LINE(10,colorbar)-(60,colorbar+20),currentcolor,bf COLOR 1 x=70 FOR i=0 TO maxcolor LINE (x,colorbar)-(x+20,y+colorbar+20),i,bf LINE (x,colorbar)-(x+20,y+colorbar+20),1,b x=x+20 NEXT i LINE (70,colorbar+22)-(90+maxcolor*20,colorbar+26),0,bf x=70+currentcolor*20:LINE ( x,colorbar+22)-(x+20,colorbar+26),1,bf RETURN CheckColor: IF currentYcolorbar+20 THEN RETURN IF currentX<70 THEN RETURN i=INT((currentX-70)/20) IF i>maxcolor THEN RETURN currentcolor=i LINE(456,colorbar+1)-(584,colorbar+30),0,bf LOCATE 19,58+rgb%(i,1):PRINT "R"; LOCATE 20,58+rgb%(i,2):PRINT "G"; LOCATE 21,58+rgb%(i,3):PRINT "B"; LOCATE statusline+1,1:PRINT SPACE$(60); GOSUB PrintColorBar RETURN EditColor: IF currentY2 OR j>15 THEN RETURN cuc=currentcolor LOCATE 19+i,58 :PRINT SPACE$(16);:LOCATE 19+i,58+j IF i=0 THEN PRINT "R"; :ELSE IF i=1 THEN PRINT "G"; :ELSE PRINT "B"; rgb%(cuc,i+1)=j:PALETTE cuc,rgb%(cuc,1)/15,rgb%(cuc,2)/15,rgb%(cuc,3)/15 LOCATE statusline+1,1 PRINT "RED: ";rgb%(cuc,1);INT(rgb%(cuc,1)*6.666)/100;" GREEN: ";rgb%(cuc,2);INT(rgb%(cuc,2)*6.666)/100;" BLUE: ";rgb%(cuc,3);INT(rgb%(cuc,3)*6.666)/100;" "; RETURN PrintEditBox: LINE(455,colorbar)-(585,colorbar+31),1,b red=rgb%(currentcolor,1):green=rgb%(currentcolor,2):blue=rgb%(currentcolor,3) COLOR 1 LOCATE 19,58+red:PRINT "R"; LOCATE 20,58+green:PRINT "G"; LOCATE 21,58+blue:PRINT "B"; RETURN CheckSave: IF fEnlarge THEN GOSUB Shrink CancelCommand=0 IF Change THEN BEEP GOSUB GetPicture CLS PRINT "Current file is not saved." PRINT "Do you want to save it?" PRINT " Press Y key if you want to save it" PRINT " Press N key if don't you want to save it" PRINT " Press C key if you want to cancel command" Response=0 WHILE Response=0 a$=INKEY$ IF a$<>"" THEN a$=UCASE$(a$) IF a$="Y" THEN Response=1 IF a$="N" THEN Response=2 IF a$="C" THEN Response=3 IF Response=0 THEN BEEP END IF WEND GOSUB RedrawPicture IF Response=1 THEN GOSUB SaveFileAs IF Response=3 THEN CancelCommand=-1 END IF RETURN SUB GetCurrentXY STATIC SHARED currentX,currentY,InsideBob,Bobright,bobbottom dummy=MOUSE(0) currentX=MOUSE(1) currentY=MOUSE(2) InsideBob=-1 IF currentX>Bobright OR currentY>bobbottom THEN InsideBob=0 IF currentX<0 OR currentY<0 THEN InsideBob=0 END SUB SUB PrintCurrentXY STATIC SHARED statusline,currentX,currentY LOCATE statusline,1: PRINT "Bob size X:";currentX; LOCATE statusline,17: PRINT "Y:";currentY; END SUB SUB DrawBoundary STATIC SHARED Bobright,bobbottom x=Bobright+10 y=bobbottom+10 LINE (0,y)-(x,y) LINE (x,y)-(x,0) LINE (0,bobbottom+1)-(x,bobbottom+1) LINE (Bobright+1,y)-(Bobright+1,0) END SUB SUB InvertVideo STATIC CALL SetDrMd& (WINDOW(8),3) END SUB SUB NormalVideo STATIC CALL SetDrMd& (WINDOW(8),1) END SUB SUB FrameRect(rect()) STATIC LINE (rect(1),rect(0))-(rect(3),rect(0)) LINE (rect(3),rect(0))-(rect(3),rect(2)) LINE (rect(3),rect(2))-(rect(1),rect(2)) LINE (rect(1),rect(2))-(rect(1),rect(0)) END SUB IgnoreBreak: RETURN